Saturday, August 29, 2020

ESL Conversation Questions : Culture



1. What is culture?

2. What do you think is interesting about your culture?

3. When people from other countries think about your culture what do they usually think of?

4. What has surprised you when you've met people from other cultures?

5. What are the three things you like most about your culture?

6. What are the three things you like the least about your culture.

ESL Vocabulary: Life in Guatemala

Instructions : Practice pronunciation of each vocabulary word. 

1. Indigenous - noun - originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native

2. Architecture - noun - the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings 

3. Photogenic - adjective - looking attractive in photographs or films

4. Vital - adjective - absolutely necessary or important; essential 

5. Beverage -  noun - a drink, especially one other than water 

6. Stunning - adjective - extremely impressive or attractive 

Reading Questions: Life in Guatemala


Instructions: Answer the questions in complete sentences. 

1. How many of the volcanoes in Guatemala are active? 

2. How many indigenous languages are there in Guatemala? 

3. What is Antigua most known for? 

4.  What pieces of clothing does a women's traje include? 

5.  Why is the traje so important for many of the indigenous people of Guatemala?  

6.  What type of beverages does Monica like to drink with her friends at night? 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Life in Guatemala: Interview with Monica


What do you think is interesting about your culture in Guatemala? 

One of the interesting things about Guatemala is that Spanish is the official language and the most widely spoken, but there are many other languages used in the country. 

There are 21 indigenous Mayan communities and each one has its own language. 

Another interesting aspect of Guatemala is the terrain. There are 37 volcanoes and 3 of them, which are called Fuego, Pacaya and Santiaguito, are active. 

What's your favorite city to visit in Guatemala? 

My favorite city to visit is Antigua. It was the capital of the country until 1773, but now it is mostly known for the colonial architecture and scenic views. 

I like this city because it is very photogenic and there are many stores,  restaurants, hotels and  cafes on every corner. 

Antigua has many fun activities to participate in such as salsa lessons, museum tours and club hopping in the nighttime.

How would  you describe Guatemalan fashion? 

Well people typically wear modern clothes just like you would see in any other country. However some indigenous people still wear their traditional clothes.  

One of the most popular traditional garments  from Guatemala is called traje. A woman's traje includes a blouse, skirt, headscarf, shawl and other pieces.

For many indigenous people, the traje is more than just traditional clothing, but it is a vital reminder of their history, culture and connection with nature.  

What's your favorite part of Guatemalan history? 

My favorite part about the history of my country is the Mayan civilization. They ruled for a very long time and many historians have said that they were a very intelligent and advanced ancient community. 

What do you like to do with your friends in your free time? 

I like to go on road trips with my friends or just hang out eating something, having a picnic or even cooking. 

During the day I enjoy having long conversations with my friends while drinking coffee. At night we usually go out and dance and drink alcoholic beverages. 

Where's the best place to go for a romantic date in your country? 

There are many places to go for a date in Guatemala. Going to the beach can be romantic or walking through the stunning  architecture of Antigua is a great way to spend time with someone you like or love.